Tuesday, February 14, 2012


What services do I provide?  Many.  Here are some of them:
  • To the letters of the alphabet, I provide words.
  • To ideas, I provide expression.
  • To my Facebook friends, I provide a Wall to write on.
  • To my kids and family, I provide embarrassment.
  • To my ex-wife, I provide someone to blame.
  • To the group Termites Against Steel, I provide my support.
  • To the public, I provide someone to judge and feel superior to.
  • To the environment, I provide carbon dioxide and other environmentally-friendly stuff.
  • To the government,  I reluctantly provide money.
  • To various sane and insane voices,  I provide the space inside my head.
  • To homeless viruses, germs and diseases,  I provide temporary shelter. 
 And to my fellow human beings, I provide laughter as we trudge towards Eternity where McDonald's, Starbucks, and Walmart wait to welcome us.

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