Monday, February 6, 2012


Is this the box everyone is talking about?

What is inside the box that makes people say, "Think outside the box."

The doctor says that I am safe for use in septic systems.   Now what?

I saw my shadow on February 2, 2012.  That means we are going to get six more weeks of weather, and that the light was on.

Today is February Sixth.   Last year this time it was February Sixth.  Is this a coincidence, or a conspiracy?

Does the meaning of life have some thing to with vanilla beans?

I am  looking forward to that future day when I will be happy living in the present.

I want to move towards a better tomorrow, but I can't figure out how to stop tomorrow from becoming today.

Am I a human being having a spiritual experience; a spiritual being having a human experience, or a big brown bald rock?

I dream of becoming a famous parking space one day.

How can nothing be the matter when matter is not nothing?
How can some thing be the matter when all things are matter?
Do answers to these questions matter?

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