Monday, March 23, 2015


A criminal walks into a bar and the bartender asks, "What will it be?"
"I've just escaped," says the criminal.  "Have you got anything that will reduce my sentence when they catch me?"
"I sure do," says the bartender.
The bartender serves him a martini garnished with arsenic.



Q:  Why did the criminal cross the road?
A:  To steal a chicken.
"Knock. Knock."
"Who's there?"
"A robber."
"A robber who?"
"Never mind and gimme your money!"



Oh the poor robber!  He froze to death trying to rob a snowbank.

BREAKING NEWS:  Toronto Police arrested and charged a writer with theft.  Police said that Sam Scribbler was at the public library stealing ideas.  Scribbler will appear in court on June 31.




The judge says to the criminal, "Have you got anything to say before I sentence you?"
"Yes," says the criminal.
"What would you like to say?"
"I love action.  If you're gonna sentence me, then could you make me a predicate?"


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