Tuesday, March 24, 2015


A psychic told me that one day I will die.  Should I believe her?  She has made right and wrong predictions.

Here are the predictions that came true:
  • that spring would come after winter;
  • that things would stay the same if they do not change;
  • a picture is worth a thousand words;
  • the Super Bowl would have one winner and one loser; and,
  • that 2 + 2 = 5 to people poor at math.

Here are the predictions that did not come true:
  • that Jesus Christ and Elvis Presley would return on July 20, 2014, and give a church service with rock music in Central Park;
  • that American and Canadian governments would honor the treaties with Native Americans and First Nations;
  • that feminist groups would invite comedian Bill Cosby to speak at their meetings;
  • on March 17, 2015, Ireland would experience a severe earthquake revealing where St. Patrick hid the snakes; and,
  • on March 23, 2015, Peter Pan and Harry Potter would hold a press conference announcing their engagement.
I will let you know whether her prediction about my death comes true.

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