Wednesday, January 27, 2016


Elvis Presley killed President John F. Kennedy because Kennedy had an affair with one of Elvis' girlfriends.  Elvis faked his own death to avoid getting caught.  Elvis also killed Michael Jackson because Jackson found out about Elvis killing Kennedy and was going to expose Elvis.
Elvis remains at large.  There are rumors that he is living somewhere in Argentina with Adolph Hitler. 


Former Toronto Mayor Rob Ford was an undercover cop working to bust a cocaine cartel run by the CIA.  The CIA effectively stopped Rob Ford by creating a cocaine video about Ford taking cocaine.  The CIA leaked the video to the press.  The CIA also gave Rob Ford cancer.


A polluted ghost appeared to some members of Greenpeace and said, "Climate change is caused by hot air from politicians."


The numbers 5 + 4 and 8 + 3 were behind 911.


German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche killed God, and took his job.  (That's why things aren't going too well.)


"The truth is out there."
"Yeah?  Tell it to get inside before it catches a cold."

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