Tuesday, March 3, 2015


Question:  Why did Everywhere cross the street?
Answer:  Because it was the other side.

Our ancestors speak to us
Through wind chimes and stones.

"What's that doing here?" says my blog.
"It just came to me so I wrote it down," says I.
"I would prefer you to stick to stuff that is supposed to be funny, and forget the philosophical-poetry crap."

Everywhere walks into a bar and the bartender says, "What will it be?"
Everywhere says, "I'll have everything, please."
The bartender takes awhile, but he fixes everything and brings it to Everywhere.  He says to Everywhere, "Haven't I seen you around?"
Everywhere says, "I should hope so!"
Everywhere finishes its everything and leaves the bar to go where it is.

"Knock Knock"
"Who's there?"
"Everywhere who?"
"Never mind.  If you have to ask, then you're not paying attention."

Question:  How many everywhere's does it take to change a light bulb?
Answer:  One.  There is only one everywhere.

The wind blows the past
Through pines 
Making history endless

"That's it!" says my blog.
"I'm sorry, but it slipped out."  
"I'm not giving you another chance for any more crap to slip out.   We're done for today."

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