Monday, March 2, 2015


What is it with guys who have to spit in a urinal before they pee in it?  They show no signs of having a cough, or phlegm buildup.  But before one drop of their pee caresses the urinal, they have to hurl a giant spitball in first.  And they do it with such bravado.

Is this the macho thing to do?  Is there something wrong with me because I do not have the urge to spit in a urinal before I pee?  Is this habit the remnant of some ancient ceremony of marking territory?  Did our male ancestors spit to prepare a spot before they peed on it?

If I had the courage, then I would ask a guy, "Why do you spit in the urinal before you pee in it?"   But any guy who feels that he has to spit before he pees may not take kindly to my curiosity.  I am willing to go to my grave never knowing.    

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