Sunday, March 1, 2015


The following books are bestsellers, but only amongst the groups mentioned.

Bestseller amongst geese:
How To Keep Your Down When Everything Is Going Up  
by Harry Honk 

Amongst viruses:
Fifty Shades of Ebola 
by Diane Diagnose

Amongst Ku Klux Klan members:
A Brief History of White 
by Ray Cyst

Amongst brides:
How To Be A Virgin When You Ain't 
by Ida Impure

Amongst trains:
The Tracks of My Tears
by Loco Motif

Amongst ghosts:
Crime and Ectoplasm 
by Fyodor Ghostoyevsky

Amongst suicide bombers:
The Big Bang Theory
by G. Powder

Amongst endings:
Is It Really The End?
by Al L. Finn