Friday, October 10, 2014


An Ebola virus goes to its doctor and the doctor asks, "What seems to be the problem?"
The Ebola virus says, "I think I caught a human being."
"What makes you think that?" asks the doctor.

"Well," says the Ebola virus, "I've started thinking that my fellow viruses are causing all my problems and I want to kill them."
"Yep," says the doctor, "you've definitely caught a human being."  He starts writing a prescription.  "I'm going to prescribe a bottle of rational thinking.  It will get rid of your human being, and prevent you from being infected by others."

Q: Why did the Ebola virus cross the road?
A:  To infect a chicken.

An Ebola virus walks into a bar and the bartender asks, "What will it be?"
The Ebola virus says, "I'll have a fever and sore throat on the rocks, thanks."
As the bartender fixes the drink he says, "You must be new around here.  I haven't seen you before."
"I've been around," says the Ebola virus, "I just never came in here.  It's lonely being famous.  I'm hoping to meet some other viruses to share the spotlight."
"You've come to the right place," says the bartender.  "You can pickup all kinds of viruses here.  This place is better than a hospital.  Our patrons include AIDS, Mad Cow, Gonorrhea, Malaria, and the flu to name a few."
"Well, where are they?" asks the Ebola virus.  "The place seems deserted."
"Don't worry," says the bartender, "they'll be here soon.  They always come at Unhappy Hour."

"Are you here for the same problem?" asks the doctor.
"No," says the Ebola virus, "I finished the bottle of rational thinking, and it cured me."
"So what's the problem?" asks the doctor.
"I'm depressed," says the Ebola virus.
"Why?" asks the doctor.
"The human being that had infected me," says the Ebola virus, "is on the Internet writing blogs."
"Don't worry," says the doctor, "no one will read them."

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