Monday, October 3, 2016


Dear Diary . . . 

Today I bought a pair of pants for 50 percent off. It had one leg.


I am happy because I no longer have a mortgage.  Of course I don't own a house and never had a mortgage, but it's nice to know that I no longer have one.


I love having a credit card.  What fun it is to spend money I hope to have next year!


The repairman came to fix my air conditioner today. But the repair did not cost me anything because I don't have a house.


I got a free estimate today.  I don't know what to do with it.


My closet came out today.  It said that it was gay. I had suspected all along because it was always too clean. 


Last night I had a dream that I was Martin Luther King.  I felt free at last and then I woke up.


I'm in love!  It was love at first sight when I looked in the mirror.  I hope I live happily ever after.


What a busy day!  I built Rome, but don't know what to do with it.


Today I thought how I will die one day.  How much of a tip should I leave the undertaker?

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