Tuesday, October 4, 2016


NOTE:  Dear Diary . . . Part II  was eaten by a Sasquatch and the diary gave the Sasquatch diarrhea.

Dear Diary . . . 

Today I looked at my floor and wondered whether carpets stop floors from talking.  If they do, then what would floors say if there were no carpets?


Which is bigger, my mouth or my I.Q.?


It rained today.  Things got wet.


Am I crazy?  Yesterday I wondered whether I was crazy.  Will I wonder whether I am crazy
tomorrow?  Will the day come when I stop wondering and know whether I am crazy?


I'm starting to believe that the Earth is flat.  If not, then where are its boobs?


It rained again today.  Again things got wet. I'm starting to see a pattern.


I cut my thumb today.  I cut it while using my wit. It wasn't a very deep cut.


Instead of the first day, is today the last day of the rest of my life? 

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