Wednesday, August 13, 2014


CAR FOR SALE:  2013 Ford Dodge 4 Door Blue. Great Condition!  Like new only it is not new.  Asking $1,000,000.00, but willing to take less.  Call . . . 

ANTIQUES FOR SALE:  Glass Jewellery Furniture China and Russia.   Call . . .

HANDYMAN:   Minor renovations.  Minor electrical and plumbing repairs.  Major full body massage.  Call . . . 

WANTED:   Punctuation for busy downtown paragraph.  Experience not necessary.  Excellent salary and benefits.  References required.  Apply . . . 

APARTMENT FOR RENT:  Two bedroom unfurnished apartment for rent in quiet noisy neighborhood.  Close to public transit, shopping, and eternity.  Available immediately.  Rent - $1,000,000.00 per month, but willing to take less.  Call . . . 

COMPANION WANTED:  Single funny funny bone seeks single funny elbow for long-term relationship.  Elbow must enjoy bending and have an arm and a body attached.   Call . . .