Monday, August 18, 2014


What is it like inside my head?  Let's find out . . . 

Wow!  Look how spacious it is!  Lots of space and no clutter.  Is it always this neat, or did the voices clean up when they heard we were coming?

Don't see any voices.  Are they too shy to face us?  They don't have any problem talking to me when I am outside my head.  Did they take the day off?

Look!  Over there.  It's the boardroom where the Board of Directors meet to determine policy for Gary Johnston Incorporated.  A voice in my head will tell me to do something, and The Board meets and debates the voice's suggestion.  Whether The Board votes yes or no, after their debate, determines whether I follow what the voice says.

Sorry?  What did you ask?  What are the dark areas outside the boardroom?  I don't know.  They are either dark matter, black holes, or my dirty mind.  Who knows?  

Do you see anything the looks like my imagination?  No, I don't see it either.  I was looking forward to seeing my imagination.  But I get the feeling that looking for my imagination is like a fish, in the ocean, looking for water.    

What?  You have to go?  Okay.  Thanks for stopping by.  Please watch your step on the way out.

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