Tuesday, April 8, 2014


People will apply unnatural products to their faces and bodies to make themselves look and smell natural.

People will say that words cannot describe their experience, and then proceed to use words to describe their experience.

People will think that they are saving money when they buy an item on sale.   They are not saving money.  They are only spending less money.   If they want save money, they should put it away and not spend it.

People will buy a new pair of jeans, and then rip them to be in style.  There's even an online site if people need help in how to rip their jeans.  (http://www.wikihow.com/Rip-Your-Own-Jeans)
Of course if people don't want to rip their own jeans, then they can buy them on ebay already ripped.

People will think that $4.99 is a better price than $5.00.

People want to be different just like other people.

People will post silly blogs hoping other people will read them.

(Picture via UofTMagazine)

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