Monday, April 7, 2014


Once upon a time there was a little green --

"We don't want you to write that story."

Then why did you start it in my head?

"One of us started to shout it out after most of us had voted not to tell you."

So let me get this straight.  You voices in my head vote on which stories to tell me, and you don't always agree on what these stories will be; so you vote on it?

"That's right."

And the voice that did not agree with the last vote started to shout out the story the majority of voices did not want me to write?

"That's right."

How did you stop this voice from continuing to shout out the story?

"Our security removed it from your head."

Removed it from my head?  To where?

"To somewhere beyond your comprehension." 
Okay, so where does that leave me now?  What do I write?

"Go ahead.  Write."

Write what?  You voices usually tell me what to write.
"That's right, we usually tell you what to write.  We don't always tell you what to write."

 Oh, I thought you always did.
"No, we don't."

Then what am I hearing when you are not telling me what to write?

"An auditory hallucination."

An auditory hallucination?  You're saying that I'm psychotic?

"Yes, sometimes.  You are psychotic only when we're not around to keep you in contact with reality."

Whoa!  You, the voices in my head, are telling me that I am psychotic when you are not around to keep me grounded in reality?"

"That's right."

How do I know that you are not an auditory hallucination?

"You don't.  It's a matter of trust."

Okay . . .

I trust that the voices in my head are real, and I trust the voices in my head to keep me grounded in reality.
"Sounds good to us."


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