Thursday, May 28, 2015


A Martian named Mertz comes to Earth to study the planet and its inhabitants.  Mertz abandons his research when he falls in love with a street lamp.  Mertz and the street lamp elope.  Soon a search party from Mars arrives to look for Mertz, but Mertz  does not want to be found.  He is living happily ever after with the street lamp.  The search party has many adventures in the search for Mertz as does Mertz and the street lamp in trying not to be found.


A Biblical story - God is charged with adultery for impregnating Mary while she is still married to Joseph.  Joseph divorces Mary and moves to India to become a Buddhist.  Mary, now alone with God's child, takes God to court to get child support.  


A shoe discovers its sole is broken.  The shoe has many adventures trying to find a metaphysician to mend its sole.  One of the shoe's adventures involves sharing a taxi with a Martian and a street lamp.


A gary writes a blog about ideas for stories, but he has no idea how to end this blog.  His blog just goes on and on and on and on.  Soon word spreads about the gary's never-ending blog.  People from around the world start paying to see the gary writing his never-ending blog.  The gary becomes rich, and builds a rocket.  He travels to Mars to study the planet and its inhabitants . . .

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