Tuesday, December 16, 2014


There!  I did it.  I wrote Something Funny.  I hope it made you laugh.

Some say that it is hard to write Something Funny.  I find it quite easy.  Something Funny.  See?  I just did it again.

I find the following hard to write: 

- Instructions on how to give a headache to an aspirin 

- Advice on how to love your neighbor when you live in a  Black Hole

- How to program a cell phone to do laundry

- How to get your purse or pocket to answer your cell phone when your voice mail is full

- An essay titled, The Use Of Words In Literature

- Instructions on how to use the Dewey Decimal System to file socks and underwear

- About erectile dysfunction

- About rocks, concrete and steel

I also find it hard to write when I am asleep, and sometimes
I find it hard to write blog endings.

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