Wednesday, December 17, 2014


Does this happen to you?  You see that there is no lineup to the cashier at a store.  You start to walk towards the cashier thinking, "No lineup!  It won't take me long to checkout my one item."  But as you walk towards the cashier, suddenly hordes of people appear out of nowhere and form a line.  All of them have a hundred items or more to check out.  You wait in line that was not there seconds ago, and age several years before you get to the cashier. 

How about this?  You have to go to the washroom.  Your gut is about to burst.  There's a clear path to the public washroom.  You can see it.  But as you walk this clear path to the washroom with such great determination, people come out of nowhere and cut you off by crossing your path, or they walk slowly in front of you.  No more clear path.

It's a conspiracy!  Everybody has a miniature radio in their head that they use to transmit and receive messages.

Here's a typical radio transmission:

"I see him.  He's walking towards the cashier.  Oh my God, there is no lineup at the cashier.  That means he will get through in no time.  I'm close to the cashier.  Can anyone else help out?"

"I can get behind you.  I have a grocery cart full of groceries."

"So can I.  I have lots of groceries to hold him up."

"Me, too."

"Me, too."

"Me, too."

And then there is a lineup where there was none before.

It's the conspirators' goal to make sure that I don't get to where I am going.  If they can't stop me, then they make it as inconvenient as possible.  This happens no matter where I am going.

Am I the only one this happens to?  Am I the only one who does not have a miniature radio in my head?

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