Thursday, January 5, 2012


People love kicks that kill them.  The mountains of evidence of the harmful effects of smoking, drinking, and drugs do not deter people from indulging.  "Harmful effects happen to other people, but will never happen to me."  is the attitude.  I suppose this is true.  Hospitals and rehab centers are full of  other people.

Baseball caps and running shoes in winter?  These items are fine in spring, summer and fall.   But in winter with knee-deep, blowing  snow and subzero temperatures, many people are still wearing baseball caps and running shoes!   "It's the style," they say.  Common sense takes a back seat when it comes to being in style.

Nonconformists will join groups to be with other nonconformists.

People will preach that racism and hatred are wrong, but hate racists.

People love going out to restaurants to order homemade food.  How can homemade food be made in any place except the home?                  

Zen calendars for sale?  Zen stresses The Eternal Now.  Doesn't a calendar go against Zen philosophy?  Do people need twenty-four pages of pictures, words, boxes and numbers to remind them that time does not exist?  Apparently so.

People will wear makeup to make themselves look natural.  They wear makeup to make themselves look as if they are not wearing any makeup?

And finally there are those people who blog about stupid things people do.  These bloggers think they are superior to other people, and that they are above and beyond doing stupid things.  How stupid is that?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If one tickles a funnybone too much, it gets numb.