Sunday, December 25, 2011


Instead of saying "Merry Christmas," my good friend Kinga Burjan wishes people "Merry Madness."

Madness!  What a wonderful word to describe this time of the year!  Stores full of people rushing about spending money they don't have.  People going to places they do not want to go to to be with people they do not want to be with.  Madness, indeed!

What causes this madness?  Guilt-ridden obligations.  People are anxious and stressed over following their guilt-ridden obligations -- things they think they should do because it is Christmas.

One of the things people feel they are supposed to do is be happy and joyful.  They do not feel happy and joyful.  They feel anxious and stressed out.  But because it is Christmas they think they should feel happy and joyful.   So anxious and stressed-out people pretend to be happy and joyful.  No wonder liquor flows more freely at Christmas.

I stopped the madness this year.  I only bought gifts for people I wanted to buy gifts for.  I did not go to any places I did not want to go to.  I chose to spend Christmas Day alone.  I sat on a park bench and stared at the sky.  How wonderful that I did not have to do anything I did not want to do!

I will be asked, in the coming days, "How was your Christmas?"

"Fantastic!  It was the best Christmas I've ever had!"

"Really?  Where did you go?"

"On Christmas Day I went to a park and sat on a bench and stared at the sky."

"You what?"

"I sat on a park bench and stared at the sky."


"No, the voices in my head were with me."

"Have you lost your marbles?"

"Yes I have.  And that makes me marbleless."

A Merry Madness to all!


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