Monday, December 5, 2011


I used to live on Snowflake Circle, but it melted.  Since then I have lived, the way we all do, wherever I am.  How can it be otherwise?

Where do you live?  You immediately think of a building on a street where you may or may not be right now.   Whether you are there or not, this structure has your possessions in it.  Let's say you are not there when you are asked, "Where do you live?"  You would immediately give the address of the the building holding your possessions, and you would be lying.  You are alive and living where you are, and not in the building where you keep your possessions.   Even when you are in the building where you keep your possessions, you can only live or be alive in the room you are in.  You live in one room at a time; thus where you live is always changing.

So when anyone asks you, "Where do you live?"  the truthful answer is, "Right here with you.  I am alive and living here with you."

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