Thursday, September 9, 2010


     Why all the fuss over simple confusion?  Reverend Terry Jones is confused because he thinks he is doing God's work by burning the Qur'an.  Muslims are confused because they think a fellow human being can hurt or destroy what the Qur'an represents.  Political and religious leaders are confused because they, too, believe that what the Qur'an represents can be attacked.  Is this much ado about  madness?

     The Qur'an, The Bible, and any other holy book,  are symbols and symbols only.  They are not what they represent.  What they represent is beyond offense, harm and destruction.  Can you imagine if this was not so?

"Almighty God is Great, but He was hospitalized today when someone burned His Holy Book . . . "

      A restaurant's menu is not its food.

      What harm will be done by Reverend Jones?  Only the Qur'ans he burns will be destroyed.  He may contribute to global warming.  But other than that,  Islam will survive and so will Allah. 

     Reverend Jones thinks he is doing something significant.  Good for him.    After his "significant" act, he can celebrate, with his congregation,  at a local restaurant by eating the menu. 

     Are aliens watching us and laughing?