Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Bits Of Conversations From Valentine's Day

"I love you, honey."
"Oh yeah?  Well prove it by always putting the toilet seat down."

"Oh, you're so beautiful!  I don't deserve you."
"I know."

"Honey, I love you so much I will do anything for you."
"Well--er--uh almost anything."

"I loved you yesterday and I love you still, but I'm not sure about tomorrow."

"Can you tell me why you love me?"
"Yes, because you always ask me questions."

"Coming back from space, on Valentine's Day, has made me realize one thing."
"What's that?"

"You're the only black hole for me!"

"You light up my life!"
"Why thank you, sweetheart.  Will you promise never to unplug me?"

"Our love grows bigger and bigger with each passing day."
"What?  Does it have a weight problem?"

"Without you, I'm nothing."
"That's not true.  You're still nothing."

"Our love will never end."
"You're right.  Like you, it goes on and on."

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