Saturday, February 18, 2017

Some Laws

Thou shall not smell.
Section 1, The Cut Your Nose Off Act

According to The Common Sense Act, it is illegal to kill cockroaches using an atomic bomb.

In most cities, it is against the law to sleep naked on a park bench.

Section 33 of The Water Statute states:
No one shall go online while having a shower.

No ass kissing in public.
Section 7, The Suck-Up and Get Promoted Act.

Touching a squirrel's nuts is prohibited.
Section 77, The Squirrels In Parks Act.

Banking a rob is illegal in all countries.

According to The Religious Telecommunications Act, cell phones that swear are not allowed in churches.

Snow must melt in the Spring.
Section 5, The Four Seasons Act.

Silly blogs must end.
Section 1, The Show Readers Mercy Act

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