Wednesday, July 27, 2016


"My goals in life are to eat, drink and be merry.  I will eat and drink now, and be merry after my sex-change operation," said Poindexter Diddle.

"My goal in life is to always remember never to forget," said Elmer Elephant. 

"My goal is to write books people won't understand," said James Joyce. 

"My goal in life is never to get cross with people," said Jesus.

"My goal is never to meet my partner," said Lawrence Parallel Line.

"My goal in life is to smell even if I don't have a nose," said Rose Rose.

"My goal is to ribbet ribbet," said Frankie Frog.

"My goal in life is to last forever," said Donald Dodo Bird.

"My goal is to create beings that are ignorant and savage and always find excuses to kill each other," said God.

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