Wednesday, May 18, 2016


Humans are not the only ones who enjoy pornography.  Termites love porn, too.

Here are snippets of dialogue from some porn movies for termites: 

"Ooooh!  You have such lovely wood!  You better not give me any splinters."


"Hey baby!  Wanna suck on a log?"


"C'mon, baby, we'll have a threesome with you, me and this board."

"All he gave you were toothpicks?"   


"Sand it!  Sand it!  Ooooo baby, sand it!  Oh yeah!  Nice and smooth!  Ohh baby!  Sand it!"


"You coulda picked a piece of wood without any knots in it!"


"How would you like me to cover you with sawdust, and then lick it off?"


"Yes, I'd like to buy some aftershave lotion that smells like trees."


"Hey baby!  Wanna get hot with some wooden matches?"


"Did you hear about Tina?"
"No, what?"
"She did the whole forest!"
"Wow!  Better stay away from her.  She could have DED."  (Dutch Elm Disease) 


"Hey, let's spend the night in a lumber yard!"



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