Wednesday, July 8, 2015


Don't smile.  Don't laugh.  I am going to be serious . . .  

. . . Okay, that's enough of that.

The above serious pause was brought to you by Mickey Macarangdang who lost his sense of humor when his ass fell off.  With no ass, Mickey Macarangdang has nothing to laugh off.  He goes around promoting seriousness.

Mickey Macarangdang was not laughing when his ass fell off.  Mickey's hips had a bad case of the hiccups and hiccuped so violently that his ass fell off.

They rushed Mickey Macarangdang to the hospital, but the doctors could not attach his ass.  Mickey Macarangdang's ass loved its independence and got a court order preventing doctors from taking away its freedom.  Mickey Macarangdang's ass plans to run for office and pass laws to free all the asses from people.

Let us hope that Mickey Macarangdang's ass does not get elected.  The world is serious enough without people being able to laugh their asses off. 

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