Tuesday, July 7, 2015


1 - Think of the lives that would be saved if the leaders of warring countries played tennis.  No soldiers.  No battlefield.  No deaths.  Just two leaders battling it out on a tennis court.  If this did happen, then the military-industrial complex would have to find another racket.

2 - A basketball bounces into a bar and the bartender says, "What will it be?"
The basketball says, "I need something to calm me down."
"Why is that?" asks the bartender.
"Before this joke," says the basketball, "I couldn't hear or speak.  What a shock Gary Johnston's imagination has been to my system!"

3 - Q:  What do you get when you cross golf with synchronized swimming?
      A: Eighteen holes, and some grass in your swimming pool.

4 - In soccer they kick a ball.  What do they kick in sockhim?  An ovary?

5 - Will baseball bats ever go on strike?

6 -  Q: What do you get when you cross hockey with mud wrestling?
      A:  I puckin' mess. 

7 -  Q:  What did one boxer say to another boxer?
      A:  "Woof!  Woof!"

1/2 - Q:  How many football players does it take to change a light bulb?

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