Sunday, February 22, 2015


I became One with The Universe, and got an infection in my solar system.  When I went to my doctor, he said that I should have practiced "safe meditation."

"How do you practice safe meditation?" I asked.

"He answered, "Very carefully."

Did you hear about the skunk that fell in love with a fart?  Conservative skunks told him that the relationship was not right; that he should stick with stinks of his own kind.  But love transcends all boundaries including bad smells.

The fart experienced the same resistance from her parents and other farts.  She had to flee from an asshole to be with the skunk.  They ran off and got married.

Some said, "Their children won't know whether they are skunks or farts."  This was not a problem.  The skunk and fart raised their children not as skunks or farts, but as bad smells.  They lived smellaby ever after.


A bar walks into another bar.  What a mess!  Booze and broken glass all over the place!  The patrons fled, both bartenders suffered major injuries.  This joke has to stop now before anyone else gets hurt.

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