Thursday, May 29, 2014


The Emperor of the Fireflies

 The Emperor of the Fireflies
Locked up the moon in the garden
 And the man in the moon's hay fever
Threw a party that lasted for 647 sneezes
Before the ghost of Salvador Dali helped the moon escape to

Shadow Lake 

Shadow Lake, with bags under its eyes,
Finished its breakfast before leaving
For its job of mirroring the world.

Warrior Clouds and Mighty Mountains

Warrior Clouds broke their white wings
Fighting with Mighty Mountains
Over which station to watch on the sky.      

Barefoot Words

Barefoot Words preached green sunrises
To those who did not attend 
The man in the moon's hay-fever party.
Wild Waves walking along the shore shouted,
"Shut up, Barefoot Words!"  
The ensuing struggle between Barefoot Words and Wild Waves
Disturbed Warrior Clouds and Mighty Mountains
Who had agreed to watch 
On the sky.

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