Friday, May 30, 2014


I received an unsigned notice from *Three Stooges Self Storage:

Dear Johnston, Gary,

Wow!  How personal is that greeting?   Did they print my name from a computer file?

Thank you for choosing Three Stooges Self Storage for all your storage needs!  It is important to us to continue to provide you with the highest quality storage and excellent customer service.

Why the exclamation mark in the first sentence?  Are they really that grateful I store my stuff with them?  Who says they provide the highest quality storage and excellent customer service?  The place is clean.  Excellent customer service?   I unlock the storage door, and it opens.

Occasionally, we find it necessary to make an adjustment to your rental rate in an attempt to keep up with the rising costs associated with providing excellent service, and a first-class facility. 

An adjustment?  Why not use increaseIt is the same as doctors referring to a minor operation as a procedure.  "It's not an operation.  It's a procedure."  
Three Stooges Self Storage is only increasing my rent in an attempt to keep up with rising costs?  Making a huge profit has nothing to do with it?  It's a first-class facility?  Who found that out?  

We at Three Stooges Self Storage would like to thank you for storing with us and we look forward to serving you for years to come!

Thanking me again?  Looking forward to serving me for years to come?  I understand the exclamation mark at the end of this sentence.  They are looking forward to gouging me for years to come.

In other words this notice says,

"Thank you.  Thank you.  We are raising your rent.  We look forward to you staying with us so we can raise your rent in the future." 

*Name changed to protect the air.

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