Monday, April 30, 2012


Why did the chicken cross the road?
To go into a bar.

A chicken walks into a bar, after crossing the road, and the bartender says, "What?  The cross-the-road jokes aren't enough for you?  You have to be in this one?"

A chicken walks into a bar and orders a drink.  The bartender gets the drink for the chicken when an egg sitting at the bar shouts, "Hey!  How come you're serving the chicken?  I was here first!"

A chicken walks into a bar and says, "Give me a vodka and orange juice."
The bartender says, "Don't be silly.  Chickens don't drink."
And the chicken says, "And we don't talk either."

A chicken walks into a bar and the bartender says, "We don't serve chickens here."
And the chicken says, "That's okay.  I don't eat chickens.  I'll have a worm burger and a beer thank you."

A chicken walks into a bar and shows the bartender a picture of Colonel Sanders.  The chicken says, "Have you seen this man?"
The bartender says, "No.  Why?"
The chicken says, "He's wanted for mass murder."

A chicken walks into a bar and orders a drink.  The bartender brings it to him and says, "There is something I've been meaning to ask you."
The chicken says, "Okay.  What?"
The bartender says, "Tell me.  Why did you cross the road?"
The chicken pauses, and then takes a drink.  He looks at the bartender and says, "Because it's there."

A bartender walks into a barnyard.  A chicken runs up to him and says, "Hey!  You're the guy from all the jokes I've been in!" 
The bartender says, "Yup, that's me."
And the chicken says, "What are you doing here?"
And the bartender says, "I needed a change of scenery."

Why did the chicken leave the bar?
To cross the road.

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