Sunday, September 25, 2011


Blog:  Hey Gary!  It's been awhile.  Where have you been?

Me:    All over the place both in mind and body.  I packed up all my "stuff " and put it in storage.  I am still living out of a suitcase.

Blog:  Where are you now?

Me:   The other side of The Milky Way.  It's nice this time of the year.  I love how the voids change colors.

Blog:  So, you are in a period of transition?

Me:   Yes, I was in one place for twenty years.  Twenty years!  The war between the Quarks and the Leptons forced me to move.  They have stopped fighting, but my place is not matter now.  I cannot move back.   I am looking for another place -- preferably in Reality.  I will live "elsewhere" if I cannot find it.

Blog:  Well, how kind of you to stop by.  You have a good heart.

Me:      Thanks.  My heart is in the right place, but my mind is in a box  . . .  somewhere.

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