Wednesday, June 7, 2017

It's A Conspiracy!

It's a conspiracy!  JFK caused 911.  His accomplice was O.J. Simpson.  They disguised themselves as Saudi Arabians and flew planes into the World Trade Center. They killed Lee Harvey Oswald before he could warn us. They also killed Michael Jackson to stop the moon from walking.

It's a conspiracy!  A U.S. plane got caught in a storm, lost its course, and crashed on Mars.  The Martian government denied that the crash happened.  They also deny that U.S. planes exist. They took the bodies of the plane's pilot and passengers and the plane to Area 52, a secret underground base on Mars.  Martian scientists reverse-engineered the U.S. plane and set their technology back 347 years.

It's a conspiracy!  The Bermuda Triangle is really a circle. The Geometrical Commission caught the Bermuda Triangle using the circle's washroom. The Bermuda Triangle used its connections to the angles, who control the degrees of everything, to keep this scandal out of the news.

It's a conspiracy! A funny bone technician, who is nonexistent, writes these blogs because he doesn't want the world to laugh.

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