Friday, June 16, 2017

I Hate . . .

I hate pictures of cabins near a river and mountains. I'm not sure why, but I think it's because I hate pictures of cabins near a river and mountains.  

I hate boobs.  You know, the ones working for the government.

I hate golf.  How silly to whack little white balls all over the countryside.

I hate watching other people whack little white balls all over the countryside.

I hate History.  How tiresome to hear History say the same thing over and over again.

I hate parents who kill their children.  (This doesn't include God who drowned all his children except for Noah.)

I hate toilets when they show up at social functions.

I hate paper.  I don't know why, but suspect paper is connected to pictures of cabins near a river and mountains.

I hate dreams that do not come true.

I hate time, but not all the time.

I hate private detectives investigating my privates.

I hate blogs about hate.

And, finally, I hate running out of things to hate.

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