Sunday, December 4, 2016


Exit lived in Rome from 149 BC until 92 BC.  Not much is known about his life other than his mother was a woman and his father was a man.

Exit, whose writings influenced William Shakespeare, once wrote:

"To leave,
Or not to leave?
That is the question.
Whether 'tis nobler  
To suffer the bings 
And bangs of boredom,
Or take action and leave
 Ennui in the Sea of Apathy . . ."

"Why did Exit cross the road?"
"He was following a chicken?"
"No, to leave on the other side."

"How many Exits does it take to change a light bulb?"
"I don't know."
"Just one, but make sure Exit changes the light bulb before he leaves."

"Knock. Knock."
"Who's there?"
"Exit who?"
(This joke ended because Exit left.)

Exit walked into a bar and the bartender said, "Why do you bother coming in here?  You order a drink, but leave while I'm making it."
And Exit said, "Okay, this time I won't order.  Duty calls.  Goodbye."

In Rome about 93 BC, a year before he made his final departure, Exit and his friends were at a toga party.  Exit's friends accused him of having delusions of grandeur after he said, "One day, my name will be everywhere."

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