Thursday, September 22, 2016


My life has been erratic ever since I fell in love with a scribble.

A scribble scrawled into a bar and the bartender said, "What can I get you."
The scribble said, "A purpose, please."
"Coming right up."
The bartender left and then returned with a purpose for the priest.  This caused the rabbi to say to the minister, "This joke makes no sense."

"How many scribbles does it take to change a light bulb?"
"I don't know.  How many?"
"One, but the new light bulb will be illegible."

"Why did the scribble cross the road?"
"I don't know.  Why?"
"To make the other side hard to read."
"Wait a minute.  Why would a scribble cross the road to make the other side hard to read?"
Roses are red
And never discuss
Why scribbles love to
Puzzle us."

"What do scribbles eat for breakfast?"
"I don't know.  What?"
"Write Krispies."

"What do scribbles eat for lunch?"
"I don't know.  What?"
"Write Krispies.  They love Write Krispies."

"What do scribbles eat for for dinner?"
"Write Krispies."
"No, meat and potatoes.  They don't love Write Krispies that much."

The famous ancient philosopher Scribbletees once said, "Life is 10% nonsense, and 90% meaningless."

"Why did the scribble go to the doctor?"
"I don't know.  Why?"
"It was starting to snap crackle and pop."

And the God of Doodle proclaimed, "Thou shalt have no other scribbles before me."

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