Sunday, May 15, 2016


Hard-to-see snowflakes falling in Mel Lastman Square

Is Mother Nature having mood swings today? First it's cold and cloudy and windy.  Then it rains.  Then it snows.  Then the sun shines.  Then it rains.  Then it snows.  Then it's cold and cloudy and windy.  Then the sun shines.  What is going on?

If Mother Nature is not swinging her moods, then why is the weather so crazy today?

- The weather is taking orders from four different supervisors who say, "I don't care what so-and-so told you to do, I'm telling you to do this!"  So the weather starts to do this, and another supervisor comes along and tells the weather not to do this, but to do that.  And so on.

- The weather is high on air and can't remember what the it is supposed to be on May 15.  It's covering everything just to be sure.

-  The weather is playing with a gambling wheel, and changes to whatever comes up after each spin.

- The weather is suffering from north-south polar disorder.

Perhaps the weather is not crazy.  Perhaps the weather is normal.  Perhaps we're crazy for expecting the weather to be consistent for one day.

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