Tuesday, March 15, 2016


On March 15, 44 B.C., Julius Caesar's friends got the ingredients for Caesar Salad wrong.  They lost it when Caesar tried to correct them.

What were some of the other things said, on March 15, 44 B.C., that weren't recorded in the history books?

Julius Caesar said to his wife, Calpurnia, just as he was walking out the door, "I got a quick meeting with the boys, and then I'll be right back so we can go shopping."

Brutus said to Cassius, "Do we have to stab him?  Couldn't we shoot him instead?"
"No Brutus," said Cassius, "we can't shoot him.  Guns haven't been invented yet."
"Oh yeah, I forgot."

 Lee Harvey Oswald said to Brutus, "What am I doing here?  I'm not supposed to take the spotlight for another 2007 years."
"Don't worry, Lee," said Brutus.  "We'll make sure no one sees you."

Cassius said to Cinna, "No, Cinna, you can't go to the bathroom!  Caesar will be here any minute."

"Ouch!  Ouch!  Wait!" said Caesar.  "This is not what I meant when I said that I wanted you guys to poke me!"

"Et tu, Brute?" said Caesar before he died.
"Speak English, Julius, speak English!" said Brutus.  "You know I flunked Latin."

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