Thursday, June 11, 2015


Seeing Turkey reminded me that I need not wait for Thanksgiving to express my gratitude.

Everytime I go to the bathroom, I am grateful for the Law of Gravity.

Everytime I stop at a stop sign, I am grateful that there are no such things as invisible cars. 

Everytime I take a deep breath, I am grateful that I am not a rock at the bottom of a river.  A rock at the bottom of a river can't take deep breaths.

Everytime I wash my hands, I am grateful that the soap works.

Everytime I tie my shoe laces, I am grateful that it no longer takes me three days to do so.

Everytime I go home, I am grateful that I do not live in someone's underwear.

Everytime I end a blog, I am grateful knowing that somewhere someone is grateful.

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