Wednesday, June 3, 2015


This morning, when I woke up, I was breathing.  I took this as a good sign to get out of bed.  One day I will wake up, and I won't be breathing.  It will be harder to get out of bed when that happens, but I won't let it hold me back.

Except for the earthquake, the bus ride to work was uneventful.  The ride took a little longer because the bus driver had to detour around the cracked roads.  I had left in lots of time and was not late for work.
Earthquakes have no consideration.  They show up without calling first, and cause people to suddenly change their plans.  How rude!  When will earthquakes be more mindful of people's feelings?

I thought that I was going to have to work overtime.  Three workers in my department committed suicide.  They jumped out of the twenty-fourth floor window. They were defrauding the company, and made a suicide pact if they got caught.

The police showed up after lunch, but were not investigating the fraud.  The police came to serve a subpoena on a co-worker who had witnessed an accident.  The police knew nothing about the fraud.  Neither did we until we read the suicide note.  The final line of the note read, "You'll never charge us now."

I was glad that my boss didn't make me stay to complete the work the fraudsters left unfinished.  Maybe another earthquake will visit my workplace tonight, and I'll be able to take tomorrow off as an Earthquake Day.  Then I'll worry about working overtime later when things get back to abnormal.

That's it for now, Diary.  I'm sorry I did not have a more exciting day to report.

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