Saturday, May 16, 2015


"Human," said the Zogar, "we have conducted all manner of tests to discover where you get your ideas and we are at a loss.  Can you tell us?"

"I belong to the Association for the Advancement of Nothing (AAN)," said the human.  "Every month they mail me their newsletter which is full of ideas."

"Where is this Association for the Advancement of Nothing?" asked Zogar.

"It's in Void City, Nowhere."

"Can anyone join?"

"I guess you would think that since I am a member," said the human.  "AAN is selective about its membership."

"How can I join?" asked Zogar.

"Send proof to AAN on how you have advanced nothing.  They will let you know whether you qualify for membership."

"Thanks," said Zogar, "you're free to go.  If you follow me, then I will take you to the beam-down room."

"Okay, but before I go," said the human, "I have a question."

"Ask," said Zogar.

"Did your anal probe make my ass look big?"

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