Thursday, May 21, 2015


I have always wanted to study philosophy.  Void City College, in Nowhere, offers the following courses:

The Philosophy of Gardening
Students learn about the meaning of flowers in this dirt-cheap course.

The Wisdom Teeth Lectures
Dr. Dennis Dental discusses the ethics of whiter teeth, and the values of pain from root canal.  Dr. Dental also answers the question, "How wise are wisdom teeth?"

Immanuel Kant's Mathematics and Mortgages
Students learn how Kant's Philosophy of Mathematics relates to mortgages.
(It doesn't, but don't tell anyone.)

Philosophical Concepts of Income Tax
Dr. Allen Fittle Von Fickelfop uses the Socratic Method combined with Marx's Theory of Alienation to teach students how to morally cheat on their taxes.  (Students must sign a waiver absolving the College of all responsibility should they be arrested.)

I will pass on taking these courses.  I have no interest in gardening, teeth, mathematics, or cheating the government out of money.

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