Thursday, March 5, 2015


Winter walks into a bar and the bartender asks, "What will it be?"
Winter says, "I'll have a Climate Change, please."
"Hot or cold?" asks the bartender.
"Surprise me," says Winter.

A cloud walks into a bar and the bartender says, "I thought I said, 'Send in the clowns.'  What will it be?"
The cloud says, "I haven't the foggiest."
"You gotta order something," says the bartender.
"Okay," says the cloud, "I'll have a Climate Change."
"Hot or cold?" asks the bartender.
"I haven't the foggiest," says the cloud.

Some dust walks into a bar and the bartender says,"Achooo!"
The dust says, "You gotta keep away from Climate Change.  It's affecting your health, and I'm leaving now because I don't want you affecting my health."

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