Friday, March 13, 2015


Suddenly I was out of my body and in a long dark tunnel.  I could see a bright light at the end.  I also saw two golden arches.  I felt myself floating towards the bright light and two golden arches.

I saw a McDonald's just outside the tunnel when I reached the end.  I went inside.  I saw several dead relatives and friends sitting at the tables.  All of them gave me the *OhNo!-NoLook.  Why?  I shower regularly with both my physical and astral bodies.  My breath did not smell.  Why didn't they want to talk to me?  Who knows?

I walked out of the McDonald's and into the bright, white loving light.  Immediately I started a review of my life.  This life review no sooner started when the announcer said that they were preempting my life review for a baseball game.  The baseball game was between the Shopping Mall Security Guards and the Homeless People.  Apparently souls in the afterlife are huge fans of these two teams.  

Why would anyone bother watching this game?  Everyone can correctly guess the outcome: the Shopping Mall Security Guards will win.  Why?  Because the Homeless People will fall asleep somewhere on the field during the game.   

The announcer told me that it was not my time.  I felt a jolt, and I was back in my body sitting at a computer typing this blog.

*OhNo!–NoLookWhen you see someone you know, in a public place, and pretend that you did not see him or her.  You look in every direction instead of into the person’s eyes hoping that he or she does not see you.