Saturday, May 17, 2014


Kumquat.  I have always loved that word!  I was a teenager the first time I heard the word kumquat.  I had one thing only on my mind.  I thought kumquat was another name for vagina.

I have never had one -- kumquat that isI hear a kumquat tastes like a tangerine and lime combined.  Apparently, the edible skin is the sweetest part

If you weren't going to eat a kumquat, then what could you do with it?

 Glue a bunch together
 And make a kumquat dress
But if the glue does not hold
 Then you have a mess 

Put it on a stand
Pretend it's a TV
Watch it watch it watch it
And see what you can see

"Hi, it's me.  What are you doing?"
"I'm watching kumquat."
"Yeah, I saw it last night.  My favorite part is everything."
"Damn!  Now you ruined it for me."

Use kumquat as a mantra 
Instead of chanting, "Om"
Have a fruity meditation
In the comfort of your home   

 Roses are red
Kumquats are orange
I better stop
before the Bad-Verse Police arrest me for making the world a verse place.

Have a nice kumquat! 

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