Sunday, April 27, 2014


Frankenstein, Dracula and The Wolfman walk into a bar.
"What will it be?"  asks the bartender.
"I'll have a Bloody Mary," says Dracula.
The Wolfman says, "I will have a -- "

"I don't like this joke!  And I don't want to share a blog with Dracula and The Wolfman."

Okay, Frankenstein, I'll make this your blog.  What would you like me to say?

"Well, the first thing is that my name is not Frankenstein."

But that is what everyone calls you.

"I know, and they are wrong.  Frankenstein is the surname of  Doctor Victor Frankenstein.  He created me.  I was known as Frankenstein's Monster.  It got shortened to Frankenstein, but my name is Gaylord."


"Yes, Gaylord.  You got a problem with that?"

Uh-er-no-er Gaylord.


How did you get the name Gaylord?

"As you know, I was made from various body parts.  My arms came from Rupert.  My legs came from Archibald.  My head came from Poindexter.  And my torso, with my heart, came from Gaylord.  I liked the name Gaylord the best."

That's interesting, Gaylord.  Is there anything else about yourself you want to tell us?

"Yes.  I enjoy long walks along the graveyard.  I also enjoy sticking my fingers in electrical sockets."

Are you looking for a mate?

"Yes I am.  That's one of the reasons I did not want to be in the joke with Dracula and The Wolfman.  I don't like hanging out with them because they scare people away.  How can I meet anyone if Dracula and The Wolfman scare people away?"

I guess you can't.

"Thanks for making this blog about me.  I have to go.  I have an appointment with my shrink.  She's helping me to get over my get over my fear of fire.  She's also helping me to be at one with my body parts."

One quick question before you go.  What drink would you have ordered in the bar if you had not stepped out of the joke?

"I would have ordered a Direct Current."

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