Wednesday, March 26, 2014


Do I have too much time on my hands?  Why doesn't it come off with soap?

If there is a God, then why doesn't He or She or They or It or --
 (I forgot the rest of my question.)

Have you ever seen happiness --actual happiness -- for sale in a store or anywhere else?  Neither have I.  This explains why money can't buy happiness.

How come people will not steal movies from a DVD store because stealing is wrong, but think nothing of stealing movies off the Internet?

The sign in a store says, Open 7 Days A Week, but it does not say which days.

I must be getting old.  I let the good times roll and almost broke my leg.

I can't remember the name of the person who invented bad memories.

If there is a God, then why doesn't He or She or They or It make the world a better place by stopping me from blogging?

Time to wash my hands . . .

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