Thursday, December 22, 2016


A thought walked into a bar and the bartender said, "There you are!  I had you this morning and then you disappeared."
And the thought got up and started to leave.
"Wait a minute," said the bartender.  "Where are you going."
"Sorry," said the thought as it walked away, "but you're gonna have to write me down if you want me to stay."

"How many thoughts does it take to change a light bulb?"
"I don't know."
"None.  Thoughts don't change light bulbs.  Action changes light bulbs."

"Why did the thought cross the road?"
"I forgot.  I should have written the punchline down when I thought about it."

"Knock.  Knock"
"Who's there?
"Thought who?"
"Thought you would ask that after I knocked."

Do pigs have fat thoughts?

Some people make you wonder whether their thoughts originate in their brains, or other parts of their bodies.

What does it mean if you smell rubber burning when you're thinking?

Does Death have thoughts about the meaning of life?

Do fish have deep thoughts?

Does Life have thoughts about the meaning of death?

"How do you end a blog on thought?"
"Why do you want to end it?"
"I'm getting sick from the smell of burning rubber."

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