Monday, July 28, 2014


The message alerts on my cell phone did not satisfy me; so I created my own.  Whenever someone sends me a text message, my cell phone vibrates and farts.

I know it's juvenile, but no matter how old we get, farting still makes us laugh.  I laugh every time I receive a text message.  What good medicine that is!

Sometimes I am standing with a group of people when I get a text message.

"Oh, that was my cell phone.  I just got a text message," I say.

"Sure ya did," they say.  

Their disbelief turns to laughter when they find out that it really was my cell phone.

Recently I was sitting on a bench at a bus station.  Beside me sat a lady who, from her appearance, could have been a Sunday school teacher, or a librarian, or both.  She likely has not laughed in the last 347 years.  I received a text.  She turned and glared at me.  

"That was my cell phone," I said as I reached into my pocket to retrieve it.

But before I could get my cell phone out, she got up in a huff and walked away.      

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